
「日経おとなのOFF 2022年絶対に見逃せない美術展」"Nikkei Adult OFF 2022 Art Exhibition You Can't Miss" [Impression]






This is my first experience buying a magazine called Nikkei Adult OFF. However, I got interested in the title and bought it.

As the title suggests, the content is an introduction to this year's art exhibition. The appendix is ​​also substantial, including a calendar with paintings, a schedule book with art exhibitions, and an A5 version of a clear file.

Then, when I read this book and selected the art exhibition to be held in Tokyo that I wanted to see, there were 11 as well.

There are also Vermeer and the 17th century Dutch painting exhibition and the Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition that are already being held, so although it is a corona disaster, I would like to visit it systematically.

I think that the Nikkei adult OFF that created such an opportunity is a very good magazine.
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