
人肌に違和感なしか秋茜 84 Are red dragonflies comfortable with human skin? [Haiku, Senryu]








I am very sorry to hear about Yamagata again.

I am also very sorry for the haiku in which the red dragonfly is just replaced by its official name, Akia kanee.

Last time, I saw many red dragonflies perched on red roses, but this is a picture of one perched on something a little more conspicuously red.

I don't think they were aiming for a protective color.

But the red dragonflies in Yamagata are still somewhat cute, perhaps because they are accustomed to humans, or perhaps because they are not afraid of humans.
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保護色に羽を休める赤蜻蛉83 Red dragonfly resting its wings in protective colors [Haiku, Senryu]






Again, a Yamagata story.

The photo is from Higashisawa Rose Park. When I tried to take a picture of the roses, a red dragonfly perched on the rose. a red dragonfly stopped.

Actually, I had not seen any red dragonflies in Yokohama yet, so I thought it would be nice to see many red dragonflies in Yamagata.

(By the way, "red dragonfly" is a common name, and it is officially called "Aki-akane".)

Actually, it would have been more photogenic if they had perched on white or yellow roses, but I think they were more likely to perch on red roses, perhaps because the same color is better protection against foreign enemies.

In the opening haiku, I wanted to use "on red roses," but rose is a summer term.

However, rose is a summer term and red dragonfly is an autumn term, so I had no choice but to use "protective color," but I am still bothered by the fact that it does not seem like a haiku word choice.
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山形の三日月照らす秋夕焼 82 Autumn evening glow of Yamagata's crescent moon [Haiku, Senryu]





While I was drinking beer at a hotel in Yamagata, I saw a sunset outside the window.

When I opened the window, even the crescent moon was clearly visible.

At that moment, I remembered a work by Kagaya, a starry sky photographer, which I had seen before.

However, I also remembered that I had tried to take a picture of the full moon on the occasion of the Fifteenth Night last month, but could not get a good shot at all.

Well, I have time, so why don't I give it a try? I tried various things and took some pictures.

I am ashamed to say that out of the several pictures I took, only this one was in the shape of a crescent moon.

I don't remember exactly what I did. Since I tried it without much understanding, I would like to compare the data of exposure, aperture, shutter speed, etc. between this photo and other photos.

I hope to be able to figure out what settings to use in a split second soon, but it seems that the world of photography is not so easy.

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せわしくも汗ひとつなし寒露かな 81 It is the time of cold dew, so I am busy but not sweating [Haiku, Senryu]











This year, I had decided to create a haiku for each of the 24 solar terms and post it on my blog.

However, since I have been using the blog as a reserved posting lately, I failed a bit.

So, this is a haiku for the cold dew, one day late.

However, the content is more like an office worker's willow than a haiku.

In fact, it was yesterday that I was busy moving around all day to hospitalize my parent.

It is a lot of work to organize and inform the hospital all at once about the necessary luggage, past medical history, caregiving, and other paperwork, as well as arrangements for meals, clothes for the hospital stay, and many other things.

Perhaps if it had been a little earlier in the day, I would have been in a drenched state of sweat, but on my way home I thought to myself, "I guess I don't have to sweat as much at this time of the year when I'm in a quandary.

But hospitalization is really tiring.
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近寄れば銀杏たわわ霞城かな 80 When I approached at Kajo, there were ginkgo nuts. [Haiku, Senryu]










Located near Yamagata Station is Kajo Park, the ruins of Yamagata Castle.

Since it was near my hotel, I visited there first thing in the morning.

There was no castle tower, and excavations for its restoration were currently underway at the site of the castle's main citadel.

Therefore, there are many areas in the center of the city that are inaccessible.

Nevertheless, the Ninomaru East Main Gate has already been restored, so we were able to enjoy the feeling of a castle.

What surprised me a little was that the ginkgo trees were already bearing nuts. As a resident of Yokohama, I felt lucky to be able to feel the autumn season as early as possible.
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秋晴れの山寺降りて笑う膝 79 Laughing knees down a mountain temple in clear autumn weather [Haiku, Senryu]










About 20 years ago, when I rode the Senzan Line, I saw from the train window a mountain temple halfway up a mountain.

At that time, I thought, "I would like to visit there someday," and decided to start visiting this time. I had to visit the temple while I still had the physical strength to climb the 1,000 steps, otherwise I would never be able to go there again.

My impression after visiting the temple was, "How dare they build a temple for ascetic practices in such a place! That is the only word I can use to describe it.

Probably, the temple was forcibly built on what was originally a rocky mountain.

Still, in the old days, it might have been advantageous for young monks to get a job if they could say, "I trained at that mountain temple.

In other words, a temple with a high profile may have been like a modern-day version of a famous school or university.

If you endured the rigorous training at that mountain temple, you might have been able to get a job at one of our temples.

With these thoughts in my mind, I was smiling both heartily and on my knees as I descended the long flight of stairs.

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秋分の懇望の目はガラス越し 78 On the autumnal equinox, the pleading eyes were through the looking glass [Haiku, Senryu]










I take the bus to visit the graves each month, but today was a holiday, so a family member with a car drove me there.

Instead, I had to take care of the 3-year-old during the post-graveside shopping trip.

He wanted to see cats and dogs (actually, that's why he begged me in toddler-speak), so we went to a pet store to spend some time.

After looking at the dogs and cats, all he wanted to see was a small squirrel-like mouse-like animal called a degoo and a baby turtle.

In the midst of all this, the cat in the photo was looking at me lovingly, which caught my attention.

Actually, I don't know much about cats. I only know that it is a tsundere type, but I was attracted to the eyes of the cat in this picture.

Since we already have a dog at home, I told her, "You can't keep her!" But I wonder if she would understand.

But it was the autumnal equinox day when I thought, "I bet this girl will find a good owner soon.
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強風をさらりとよけて曼珠沙華 77 Manjushage, easily dodging strong winds [Haiku, Senryu]






サンスクリット語で「天界に咲く花」 という意味を持つらしい。


Today is the beginning of the equinox season, but the Japanese archipelago is at the mercy of typhoon No. 14.

Even in Yokohama, it was sunny and sunny one moment and then suddenly turned into a downpour, which is very annoying.

The higanbana, or cluster amaryllis, is in full bloom and is not defeated by such a typhoon.

The petals are fragile, but somehow I feel the desire to hold on just for this time of year.

Looking at the splendor of the flower, I thought the name "higanbana" sounded a bit pitiful, but it is also known as manjushage.

In Sanskrit, it is said to mean "flower that blooms in the heavenly realm.

I vote for the other name!

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菊酒をあきらめちびり越後酒 75 I gave up on chrysanthemum sake and drank a little bit of Echigo-sake [Haiku, Senryu]












Today is "Chou-you" on the calendar.
It is one of the five seasonal festivals and is also called Chrysanthemum Festival.

I wrote this in a big way, but I did not know that.

I am ashamed to admit that when I first saw the Chinese characters for "Changyang," I thought it might be the name of a place in China.

I was not expecting to find the name of the place in a calendar, so I looked it up on the Internet.

It turns out that since ancient times, chrysanthemums were at their best at this time of year, and there was a custom of enjoying "chrysanthemum sake" with chrysanthemum petals floating in it.

I thought to myself, "Well, it's Friday, so sake is good too. And drinking sake with chrysanthemum petals floating on it is quite elegant. I happened to find some chrysanthemums blooming by the sidewalk.

By sheer coincidence, I was tempted to pick a few for the evening's entertainment. I was tempted.

But they might have dog pee on them.
How would I preserve them for the night?
Who might be growing them in the first place?
I decided not to pick the chrysanthemums.

However, "sake" was still in my mind, so I bought some "Kikusui" and went home to enjoy the chrysanthemum festival.

No offense to the ministry!
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白露に代わり輝く雨の露 74 Rain dew shining in place of white dew [Haiku, Senryu]






Today is the White Dew, one of the 24 solar terms. So I went out with my dog, hoping to see the white dew on our morning walk.

However, it was not dewdrops made of water vapor, but raindrops left over from the night before.

However, since I have set myself the task of writing a haiku about it on each of the 24 solar terms, I have to make it into a haiku somehow.

The result is the bad haiku of the title.
Anyway, I intend to continue to write haiku without being discouraged, thinking that numbers are important...?

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雨後の朝初めて気づく玉簾 73 I first noticed the Zephyranthes candida on the morning after the rain. [Haiku, Senryu]










Yesterday morning it was raining, so I could not go for a walk. This morning it was sunny, so I took the dog for a walk as usual.

Dogs always smell and have a certain place to pee and poop.

This morning, while doing his usual routine at the entrance to the park, I noticed some white flowers in bloom.

I took a picture of them with an app called Hananona, thinking to myself, "There have never been flowers in this area before.

It came up with "Tamasudare."
(Zephyranthes candida)

My image of tamasudare was "nankin tamasudare" used by street performers, so I looked it up on the Internet to see if there was some kind of mistake, but it seemed to be correct.

The other name "rain lily" is derived from the fact that they start blooming all at once after a heavy rainfall.

I figured out why I had never noticed it before, and tried to write a haiku about it.

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碑も花もほてりを冷ます秋の雨 72 Autumn rain cools the heat of the monument and flowers [Haiku, Senryu]



そんな雨の馬車道を通った時、銀色の変わった形のオブジェを見つけた。よく見ると、「日本写真の開祖 写真師 下岡蓮杖顕彰碑」と刻まれている。


Rain that eases the summer heat is very pleasant these days because it is so easy to spend.

When I passed by the Bashamichi in the rain, I found a silver-colored object of an unusual shape. Upon closer inspection, I found it inscribed with the words "Monument in Honor of Renjo Shimooka, Photographer and Founder of Japanese Photography.

It is said that he had opened a photo studio in 1862, two years after the opening of the port of Yokohama. At the time, there was a rumor that taking photographs would shorten one's life span. I imagine it must have been a real challenge for him to work in photography under such circumstances.

In fact, even today, there are people who say, "My soul is drained when my picture is taken," and sometimes they run away when I hold up my camera.

In the old days, there would have been people who really thought so, and photographers might have been thought of as sorcerers or magicians.

In any case, I am somewhat proud as a citizen of Yokohama to think that there were people in Bashamichi, Yokohama, who worked to popularize photography without being discouraged by such things, putting my own life on the shelf.
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鮮やかに咲いて生き延び野鶏頭 71 Celosia that bloomed brightly and survived [Haiku, Senryu]








I found this nogeitou on my morning walk. It is apparently sold in flower shops as celosia, another name for it.

This time, it was growing in the gap between the foundation block of a fence and the road, so celosia would be more appropriate.

I wonder if the owner of this house knew that this weed, as a celosia, had such beautiful flowers and left it alone.

Or did they not pull it out because it was growing on the side of the road?

In any case, when they bloom so beautifully, they will not be pulled out until they die.

Beautiful" may be a common gain for all living things.
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TWICEのごとく演舞はねこじゃらし  70 Cat foxtail dances like TWICE [Haiku, Senryu]




自分の中で、そう関連付けをしたら、ねこじゃらしを見るたびにTWICEのデビュー曲「Like OOH-AHH」が鳴り響くようになってしまった。

それはそれでちょっと、落ち着かない。 でも楽しい。


Recently, I often see foxtail grass, also known as cat foxtail, on the roadside.
When I was a kid, I used to pull it out and swing it around and tickle my friends.

When I take a closer look, I whoud find that they were surprisingly different. and when it sways in the wind,Each movement is different.
However, I noticed that the overall balance was good.

It's like TWICE's dance that I listen to when I danced Zumba in the gym studio these days.

If I make that association in myself, every time I see cat foxtail, I will see TWICE's debut song "Like OOH-AHH" has started to ring out.

That makes me a little restless. "But it's fun."
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彩りに思わず腰折る処暑の朝 69 On a midsummer morning, I bent over looking at the colorful flowers. [Haiku, Senryu]








Abnormal heat and heavy rains caused by linear rainfall belts have caused various disasters and incidents in various parts of Japan.

And it is a problem not only in Japan but also in the world.

With that in mind, I took a walk on a slightly different route than usual.

Then there was a flower bed on the side of the park.
Unintentionally, I clicked the shutter and somehow felt a cool breeze.

Even though it was hot, I felt that we were heading from midsummer to autumn.

I'm worried about climate change, but even within that, Japan, which definitely has four seasons, may be a very luxurious environment.
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揺れキウイカメラ構えてまわり見る 68 I pointed my camera at the swaying kiwi and looked around. [Haiku, Senryu]








A little while ago, when I was taking a morning walk, I found a kiwi swaying in the wind at the fence of a house!

I took the chance to point my newly bought camera at the kiwi. Then, what suddenly came to my mind was the proverb, "Don't straighten the crown under Lee."

I was worried that people might think I was picking kiwi fruit.

But I swear I only took pictures.

By the way, kiwi is scientifically a kind of matatabi. A drug for cats. However, this fruit has no effect, and it seems that the branches and roots have the same effect again and again.

Humans and birds may be the only ones that approach the fruit.
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伊勢詣り祝詞ききつつ白雨かな 67  At the time of the Ise chant, while listening to the congratulatory words, I heard the sunset falling. [Haiku, Senryu]







It seems that the sunset rain is called White rain by another name.

It is said that the momentum is so strong that the rain bounces up, and the area around the ground turns white.
Yesterday, due to work, I visited the Iseyama Imperial Grand Shrine in Yokohama.

According to the weather forecast, there will be a sunset rain, and when I took the picture, the sky was getting dark.

Then, while I was praying for safety, the evening sun came down.
Actually, I didn't know how to use white rain, and I learned about it for the first time while researching the term "white rain" today.

If I had known this, I would have taken a picture of it in that state, and I regret it. I can't help it.
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久々の通勤癒すダリアかな 66 I commuted after a long time, but Dahlia healed it. [Haiku, Senryu]







After the Obon holiday, I went to work for the first time in a while.
The bright pink flower I saw in those heavy feelings was a dahlia.

While there are flower languages ​​such as splendor, dignity, elegance, and gratitude, it also has meanings such as betrayal, fickleness, and instability.

Now, which one would be better for me?

At least, seeing this flower healed me, I want to interpret it in a good way and go to work.

As I walked while thinking about such things, my heavy steps became a little lighter.
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雑草にスター誕生白百合や 65 A star was born in the weeds. It's a white lily. [Haiku, Senryu]








When I was weeding the garden, white lilies were blooming naturally. Also two.

I had never seen anything like this before, so I was a little surprised that lilies could grow like weeds.

I looked it up and it was an Easter lily. Standing high above the green weeds, and swaying gracefully, it looks like a new star crawling up on its own.

For some reason, I am attracted to flowers that grow naturally like weeds, rather than flowers grown by humans.

So, I immediately drew it as a subject for drawing. However, the charm of the star is still not fully expressed.

I feel like Shirayuri is telling me that I need more work.

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立秋の朝草むしり頬に風 64 Morning weeding on the first day of autumn, the wind on my cheeks [Haiku, Senryu]





According to the calendar, it's already autumn, but it's still hot. However, when I was weeding this morning, I felt a slight cool breeze.

It may have been due to the fact that it happened to be a cool day on Friday and Saturday, but I would like to expect that it will gradually turn to autumn in the future.

However, the effects of global warming are now being felt all over the world. The idea may be sweet.

In that case, it seems that the sensibility to feel extra coolness is necessary.
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蝉音に揺られてひらり百日紅 63 Crape myrtle that fell lightly to the sound of cicadas [Haiku, Senryu]





When I was walking my dog ​​in the morning, when cicadas were noisy, I noticed that Crape Myrtle, also known as Sarusuberi, was blooming on the grounds of a nearby school.

It seems that it was named crape myrtle because it blooms for a long time in this season, but some petals have already fallen on the road below.

The petals are so small and soft that even a gentle breeze will blow them off. In some cases, the loud voice of cicadas may be transmitted as vibrations.

But if it continues to bloom for 100 days, will flowers appear one after another?
I returned home while thinking about what kind of changes I would see in my future walks.
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宿題を思い出したる朝顔や 62 Morning glory that reminds me of my homework [Haiku, Senryu]








Recently, I haven't seen students or children when I commute in the morning. I thought, but I remembered that they were already in the summer vacation.

At that time, the morning glory blooming on the roadside on the way to work. I felt nostalgic and took a picture with my smartphone.
I miss it because I had the experience of raising it when I was in elementary school.

Certainly, as a summer vacation homework, I remember raising and writing a picture diary.

When I thought about it later, I realized that this morning glory was blooming on the roadside, but it wouldn't grow unless the vines were entwined.
That's why someone raised me on the roadside.

At least, I thought I wasn't in elementary school, so I looked up the purple morning glory flower language.

"Cool, normal"

After looking at the morning glory for the first time in decades, I decided that I should at least work cool today.
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白球を追う眼鋭き大暑かな 61 It's a hot summer with a sharp eye chasing a white ball [Haiku, Senryu]









After a long time, I watched the prefectural qualifying for the summer Koshien tournament on TV. However, I was wondering if I would really watch it.

In fact, Tokai University Sagami High School, which I always support, often loses when I support it on TV.

When I went to the stadium before, they lost several times. That's why it's bad for the players and parents who have been practicing hard, so I supported them while checking the results as quietly as possible.

However, there seems to be a good pitcher this time, and I thought it wouldn't be dangerous, so I took the plunge and watched it.

Anyway, just being outside, in the hot weather that seems to be chilly, the snappy movements of the children are always impressed and I like it.

And everyone is fascinated by the serious pursuit of the ball. Of course, the students who support them are also difficult, but I am impressed by watching high school baseball because those feelings are conveyed.

Just in case, I went out without watching the game until the end, but I won firmly and advanced the piece to the semi-final.

I can't watch TV because both the semi-finals and the finals are on weekdays. If that happens, I think there is no doubt that it will win.
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向日葵の中に見えたる孫の笑み 60 The smile of my grandson in the sunflower [Haiku, Senryu]





While I was commuting, I noticed a sunflower blooming on the side of the road and took a picture by my smartphone.

And I thought "Sunflowers are always happy flowers." Is it because of the bright colors? Or is it a simple form? Is it the influence of the summer season?

With that in mind, I looked at the sunflowers and suddenly I looked like my grandson's face. The smile of the infant without any worries yet.

I remembered that it had written in a haiku book I had read before, "It's not good to have grandchildren in haiku material." However, it was also written that "express your frank thoughts as they are", so please forgive me.
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夏の朝アガパンサスを接写かな59 Close-up shot of agapanthus on summer morning [Haiku, Senryu]









There is a park on the dog walking course, which is a daily routine. A lilac orchid-like flower was blooming there.

Actually, I've been worried about it for a while, but I never thought about it, or I came up with the idea and took a picture with an app that looks up the name of the flower.

And I learned that it was "Agapanthus", also known as "Purple Kunshi Ran". Both were the names of the flowers I heard for the first time in my life.

In haiku, the name of the flower is a season word, but since this flower does not seem to be a season word, the phrase is "summer morning."

By the way, I'm very impressed with this app. Also, I am entertained.

Actually, this app was developed by a research institute called Stairabo (Artificial Intelligence and Software Technology Research Center) of Chiba Institute of Technology and can be used for free.

When I ask, "What is this flower?", I often use it because I can easily find it on the roadside or in the garden of a private house.

I would like to continue to enjoy the changing seasons while using it for making haiku.

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被害まで望むわけなし戻り梅雨 58 There is no reason to hope for damage Return rainy season [Haiku, Senryu]

C2E5479D-76B4-42CD-BC79-24B1CEC3BC5B.jpeg相当に早く梅雨が明けて 、6月中に猛暑日が続いたが、最近は雨が降ることが多くて、涼しいので少し助かっている。




The rainy season ended quite early, and the hot days continued in June, but recently it has been raining a lot and it is cool, so it is a little helpful.

However, in other areas such as Saitama Prefecture, it was a record heavy rainfall, and it seems that there is a lot of damage.

The rainy season was short, and I was worried about water shortages and crops, so I certainly wanted the rainy season to return this year, but is it raining enough to cause damage?

Please forgive me whether it is hot or terrible, zero or 100. (photo is an image:pixabay)

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生温い風に感謝の小暑かな 56 It's a Xiaoshu thanks to the warm breeze [Haiku, Senryu]





Today is Tanabata, and it's a Xiaoshu in the 24th solar term. The hot days continued after the unexpectedly early rainy season, but recently, due to the influence of typhoons, rainy and cloudy days have continued.

I was worried that it would be a hot day every day for a while, so I'm grateful that it blows even with a warm breeze rather than a warm one.

It is troublesome to cause damage due to typhoons, but if it does not rain a little, there will be water shortages and effects on crops.

Personally, I'd like to spend a cloudy and windy summer, but what's going on?
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鰻重や指のタレから味わいて 55 Taste from finger sauce and Eel lunch [Haiku, Senryu]







When I tried to order a catered lunch at work, there was a Eel lunch on the menu.

I'm planning to do a hard kickboxing exercise at the gym for the first time in a while today, so I decided to order it with the excuse that I should burn a lot of calories.

I don't usually get hungry very much, but it seems that I'm asking for Eel lunch in the corner of my head, and after 11 o'clock I became hungry.

It looks like it costs about 2,500 yen, but it's from a catered lunch shop, so it's reasonably priced.

Therefore, the sauce and Japanese pepper were in a pouch, and when I opened it, I got stuck on my finger. First of all, while tasting from that finger, I immediately ate everything.

I rubbed my stomach and realized that I had to work hard for today's kickboxing.
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蛇を見てジャージャーと鳴く四十雀 53 Great tit screaming at the snake [Haiku, Senryu]












Recent news such as the new coronavirus, monkeypox, invasion of Ukraine, high prices, global warming, and power shortages are all bad news.

But the other day, I read some very bright and fun news.

A newspaper article saying, "For the first time in the world, an assistant professor at Kyoto University proved that a small bird called great tit has a word."

After observing for more than 15 years, it was found that the great tit used more than 20 words properly and made more than 200 kinds of sentences.

The title "Jajar" has a snake. "Ticking" has a crow. "Hehehehe" is a hawk.
Be wary of "Petsupi"! It seems.

It seems that there has never been a case where the existence of words has been proved other than human beings, which is epoch-making.

In other words, dolphins and crows, which are said to be smart, have words, but they have not been proved.

I myself thought that it was the same way of crowing when the crows were chained, but it is certainly difficult to prove.

The assistant professor at Kyoto University who proved this will give a keynote speech at the international conference in Sweden, which is the most prestigious in zoology, and at that time, he would like to propose a new academic field called "animal linguistics".

If the language of dogs, cats and other animals as well as crows becomes clear, the relationship with humans may change.

It is a very peaceful and dreamy research, and I look forward to it in the future. (photo is an image:pixabay)

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梅雨明けて書類を見るのは窓あかり52 After the rainy season, it is the window light to see the documents [Haiku, Senryu]












The rainy season, "Oh! Have it finished yet?" However, the moist heat of my morning commute was just midsummer.

It is said to be the shortest rainy season in the history of observation in the Kanto region.
Actually, what to hide, I don't like rain. But I hate the heat of midsummer more than that.

In the case of rain, it is troublesome to have an umbrella, but I walk with a parasol to block the direct sunlight in midsummer.

And when it rains, it gets a little wet, but in midsummer, the whole body gets wet with sweat.
In other words, it feels uncomfortable to get wet from the inside instead of getting wet from the outside.

Therefore, the early end of the rainy season is not a pleasure for me at all.

Moreover, due to the rise in temperature this time, there is a power shortage. Yesterday I turned off the lights near my desk at work from 3 o'clock and worked. Therefore, I have no choice but to check the documents near the window. And maybe today as well.

Will this continue this summer? Furthermore, I am worried about lack of water, and it will affect the growth of vegetables.

I feel like I didn't care about sweat when I was young. There was no air conditioner in my house or car.
Still, I felt open and loved summer.

Did you change your mind because you have become a convenient society and you can spend your time comfortably in the air conditioner?

Or is it definitely hotter than before?

I don't know the reason well, but I have no choice but to stay calm so as not to suffer from heat stroke.
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