父)Oh my gosh! 可愛い娘よ、怖がらないで!
娘)やだー 怖~い!


父)普通? どういうこと?

父)えっ 大きさが変わった?
娘)気が付いてないの? パパ 急に背が伸びたんだよ!

娘)え~ 熱くなったから伸びたの?



父)Oh my gosh! なんてこった!


(Father) Oh my gosh! My sweet daughter, don't be afraid!
(Daughter) Oh no, I'm scared!

(Father) You must have known that Papa is an iron man.
(Daughter) I knew that! But you were normal just now, weren't you?

(Father) Normal? What do you mean?
(Daughter) When you were playing, you were normal size!

(Father) What? The size changed?
(Daughter) You haven't noticed? Dad, you suddenly got taller!

(Father) I see, I'm sorry about that. But I got too hot playing with you.
(Daughter) What~ Did you grow taller because you got too hot?

(Father) That's right. They say that when it gets hot, it sometimes softens and stretches.
(Daughter) But, it's already December. It's going to get colder!

(Father) That's true, but it will get hotter if I play more and more. Then I should be able to come back, right?
(Daughter) That's not true. It will stay that way until spring. I don't want to go back. I'm scared.

(Father) Oh my gosh!

This was a short story brought to you from the courtyard scenery of Tokyo Opera City.