写真:横浜貿易会館角の人魚像 Photo: Mermaid statue at the corner of Yokohama Trade Center











This is the only place where I can relax. So I will never get out of the way!

I drifted into this port of Yokohama exactly 100 years ago. Of course, this was still the sea.

So I decided to make this rock my home, and I always sat on it and stroked my hair.

While I was doing that, there was a big earthquake in September, and the houses and stores on the land side were destroyed.

They dumped that rubble around here and started to reclaim the land, and even though we mermaid friends opposed it for quite a while, the humans didn't understand our language and started to reclaim and build more and more buildings.

Since this area was also close to the pier, there was a lot of pedestrian traffic, so they started building trendy red brick stores, which were very popular at the time.

But I decided I would never move, and I stayed. Because it was always my place to stay.

At any rate, people who were overcome with my enthusiasm avoided this rock and me and built the building, but it looks like they're ready to pile up red bricks as soon as I leave.

But the long sitting has hardened me, not only in my mind, but also in my body. It will stay that way for the time being. It's a good feeling.

This year is the 100th anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake.