

勿論、日本でも海底火山の爆発で新たに島が出来ることはあり、最近でも「福徳岡ノ場で新しい島が出現 35年ぶり」というニュースを見た。




"A research team in Denmark has discovered what appears to be the northernmost land in the world, north of Danish Greenland," the report said. The area is about 1800m2 and the altitude is only 3-4m.

I was quite surprised by this news.
After all, will a new island be discovered in this era? It is from an extremely simple idea.

Of course, even in Japan, a new island may be created due to the explosion of a submarine volcano, and even recently I saw the news that "a new island has appeared in Fukutoku-Okanoba for the first time in 35 years."

But this is because there was a volcanic eruption.
North of Greenland, just the Arctic Ocean, hasn't it been discovered before?

But now that artificial satellites are flying around, and there is also a manned International Space Station, do you not notice it?

In any case, since it is mainly made of gravel, it seems that "it could disappear if a strong storm hits directly", so I wanted to check the announcement from the University of Copenhagen. (photo is an image:pixabay)