店のおばちゃんは、スーツケースを引っ張っている私達に、「いつ帰るの? 冷蔵庫に入れておける?」と聞いた。

Every Sunday market is held by Kochi Castle followers. On the way to Hirome Market, we strolled and looked into the store. There was a "Chirimen Jako" store.
It looked so delicious, so we tried to buy a couple of items, such as the 280 yen jako per 100g, which says "there are different reasons."
The lady in the store asked us, pulling our suitcases, "When are you going home? Can you put them in the refrigerator?"
I said, "It's Tuesday, but I can't keep it in the refrigerator."
I tried to give up, but when I was told, we wanted to eat more. After walking about 20 steps, we returned and asked, "we'll eat it by today's evening, so I'd like to sell only 100g."
After all, I paid only 140 yen and ate on the train or in the hotel.
This was very delicious.
Even if it is a tourist, it is good not to sell it properly. It sells for only 140 yen, but is particular about the products they make.
Needless to say, we later decided to buy a lot of products from this store by online shopping.