
これまで「Morning Yoga & Pao L ife」という意味不明のタイトルで、お付き合い頂いた方も、さぞかし困惑されたことと思います。



今回、1500回目を迎えたのを機に、ブログ名をJingashita blogに改めます。






Thank you for your very long service; December 31, 2019 was my first post, and thanks to you, this post will be my 1500th.

I am sure those of you who have been following along have been confused by the unintelligible title "Morning Yoga & Pao L ife" until now.

When I started, I really did a little bit of yoga and Pao, a beauty device to prevent the skin on my cheeks from falling, in the mornings, so I gave it such a title in the heat of the moment.

However, I soon gave up both yoga and Pao, and began to devote more time to online English lessons.

This time, on the occasion of my 1,500th entry, I am changing the name of my blog to Jingashita blog.

Also, I have been posting whatever comes to my mind, but I will now focus on my favorite fields, such as traveling and city walking.

In addition, for the past few years, I have obligated myself to post daily, but I have changed my mind and will post at least twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays.

Of course, there will be other times when I may make an occasional post at some other milestone.

Thank you very much for your patience with me so far, despite the somewhat incomprehensible and miscellaneous content of my posts.

Please continue to do so even if the title changes.