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Do young people look at middle-aged and older people like this grass?

When you get older, a year seems to fly by. I used to think that this was because the denominator was my life to date and the numerator was a year, which gradually became smaller and smaller.

For example, I used to think that my friends from junior high and high school were 3 years/15 years old or 3 years/18 years old, so I had spent 1/5 or 1/6 of my life with them, so I had many memories and a deep relationship with them.

I read an article on the web that generally supported this.

It is called "Janay's Law," which states that "as you get older, you experience fewer things you haven't experienced before, so you feel time is shorter because of it.

I hadn't thought much about "experience," so this article made sense to me.

And based on this law, if you live to be 100 years old, you will experience 83% of your life time at age 40, and at age 50, you will feel 87 years old.

In other words, we are almost at the end.

So how should those who have gone beyond that age live?

Regarding this, he says that it is important to think of time as an important scarce resource and to challenge oneself to experience the unknown.

It is also important to spend time not on "what you should do," but on "what you want to do," in other words, "what makes you feel fulfilled.

I see. From now on, I will keep this in mind and live my life in a way that makes me feel that "a year is a long time! I will live my life in such a way that I will feel that "a year is long!