
President-elect Biden will take office at 2:00 am on the 21st in Japan time. I'm always sleeping at this time, so what kind of speech will Mr. Biden give? Have no choice but to see the news tomorrow morning.
Perhaps it is the United States that has so much talk about the appointment of top executives in other countries.
On the one hand, it seems that the area around the Capitol in Washington is already on high alert.
It is worried that the far-right group of Trump supporters who broke into Congress on the 6th will make noise again. At this time, it seems that there were measures such as not only Trump but also members who guided the inside of the Capitol in advance and loosened security.
This time, the president may change, and the world is paying attention, so the Democratic Party should think that such a strange uproar should not occur. The FBI and others have also conducted a background check on 25,000 National Guards and dismissed 10 of them, but is that okay? (photo is an image:pixabay)