


【海上自衛隊】横須賀地方隊オータムフェスタ2023 楽しむための留意点5つ #jmsdf #Yokosuka #autumn_festa Five Things to Keep in Mind

The Yokosuka District Unit Autumn Festa, held on October 21, was a fulfilling event for naval and Maritime Self-Defense Force enthusiasts. In addition to public displays of old and new destroyers, submarines, and guest ships, as well as hands-on voyages, there were also displays of Japan Coast Guard patrol vessels and vehicles from the Ground and Air Self-Defense Force.
In addition, there was a parade by the music bands of the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet and the Maritime Self-Defense Force's Yokosuka.

Since it is basically a base, there was no full restaurant or cafeteria, but there was a concession stand that sold food, but the line was long, so I had to be patient and go outside for dinner.

Still, I was very happy to witness such unexpected ceremonies as the inauguration of the submarine's captain for a day.
【海上自衛隊】横須賀地方隊オータムフェスタ2023 楽しむための留意点5つ #jmsdf #Yokosuka #autumn_festa Five Things to Keep in Mind