




【JMSDF】護衛艦くまの 母港初公開! 潜水艦なるしお 一日艦長就任式 #横須賀地方隊オータムフェスタ Destroyer Kumano Submarine Narushio #小杉怜子 さん

The image of JMSDF vessels has changed. I had always thought that they were curvy and had many cannons and antennas on deck, as an extension of the image of the old battleship 00.

However, when I went to the Yokosuka District Autumn Festa of the Maritime Self-Defense Force and actually saw the state-of-the-art destroyer Kuma, I had to abandon this image. This straight, nodding exterior is said to enhance stealth.

In other words, it is less likely to be caught on the enemy's radar. And, in previous destroyers, torpedo launchers were fired from the deck, but this one is not found on the deck.

And they are also making progress in reducing the number of crew members. In fact, a ship of this size would have a capacity of about 220 people, but this one has a whopping 90.

Microwave ovens, the Internet, and GPS all come from military technology, but since the state-of-the-art destroyers seem to use the latest technology, it was forbidden to take pictures inside. That can't be helped.

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【JMSDF】護衛艦くまの 母港初公開! 潜水艦なるしお 一日艦長就任式 #横須賀地方隊オータムフェスタ Destroyer Kumano Submarine Narushio #小杉怜子 さん