




サンスクリット語で「天界に咲く花」 という意味を持つらしい。


Today is the beginning of the equinox season, but the Japanese archipelago is at the mercy of typhoon No. 14.

Even in Yokohama, it was sunny and sunny one moment and then suddenly turned into a downpour, which is very annoying.

The higanbana, or cluster amaryllis, is in full bloom and is not defeated by such a typhoon.

The petals are fragile, but somehow I feel the desire to hold on just for this time of year.

Looking at the splendor of the flower, I thought the name "higanbana" sounded a bit pitiful, but it is also known as manjushage.

In Sanskrit, it is said to mean "flower that blooms in the heavenly realm.

I vote for the other name!