







I have read one book by the author, who is also the president of a consulting firm.

The content of the book is to reexamine the company's raison d'etre, build a philosophy, and present a vision.

The book also states that in order to convince employees of this, it is good for the president himself to speak passionately about it.

It also points out, among other things, the need to carefully explain the company's philosophy to younger employees, especially in a way that is appropriate for the current era.

He also says that even long-established companies that have been in business for 100 years do not necessarily expect to be around for another 100 years.

In fact, it is almost a matter of course, but I was certainly convinced that it is important to be able to implement it.

And finally, he wrote that it is better to bring in outside consultants to implement it, among other things.

Unfortunately, I felt that this last part was overemphasized and that the book seemed to be written for advertising purposes.