俳句は必ず季語が必要である。では、季語になるとは、どのような言葉か? それを知るために必要なのがこの歳時記だ。








Haiku always requires seasonal words. So what kind of word is seasonal? It is this Saijiki that is necessary to know it.

I searched on the web and found that this book was the most recommended for beginners, so I am using the ebook version.

In addition to the explanation of the season words, typical haiku using the season words are also posted for reference.

Sometimes I am surprised, "Is this word the season word for this season?"

In fact, using two season words in haiku is not allowed because they overlap.
So it's very important to know what is the season word.

Sure, this book is good enough for beginners like me, but I really want to know more season words.

The level of my own haiku hasn't risen, but it's true that this book isn't enough anymore.
It seems to be said that saying such a thing seems to be an amateur.

However, the more amateurs want to grow taller. This book is great for beginners in the sense that it created that feeling.