無人潜水艇 Unmanned Underwater Vehicle 略称UUV について、防衛省 の外局である防衛整備庁が、現在、研究開発を進めていることを知り、動画で紹介しています。
そこで、すでに 海上保安庁の測量船で運用されている自律型無人潜水機 AUV の ごんどう も紹介した上で、防衛装備庁が研究開発中のUUVとの役割の違いなども解説しています。

無人潜水艇UUVはゲームチェンジャーになる?将来の戦い方にも驚いた!Will UUVs be a game changer? Surprised by the future of the fight!

I have learned that the Defense Acquisition and Development Agency, an external agency of the Ministry of Defense, is currently conducting research and development on the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, or UUV for short, and have introduced it in this video.
The video also introduces Gondo, an autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle (AUV) that is already in operation on a Japan Coast Guard survey vessel, and explains the differences in roles between Gondo and the UUV currently being researched and developed by the Defense Acquisition and Technology Agency.
Furthermore, from the perspective of the "enhancement of unmanned asset defense capabilities" that the Ministry of Defense and the Self-Defense Forces are trying to promote, the exhibition also explains the greatness of unmanned assets in an easy-to-understand manner, citing research publications on future battle strategies and other materials.
The video is not for public viewing, so it does not use realistic video, but it is a useful reference for those interested in the JMSDF, its vessels, submarines, etc., as they are essential equipment for the JMSDF in the future. Please take a look.

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Will UUVs be a game changer? Surprised by the future of the fight!