



【Trip Vlog】#横須賀散歩 #横須賀軍港めぐり #YokosukaWalk #Yokosuka Military Cruise #ヴェルニー公園 #Verney Park

This park has French-style flowerbeds and other features associated with Léonce Verney, a French engineer who helped modernize Japan by guiding the construction of the former Yokosuka Steel Works.

I visited the park on the way to the Yokosuka Military cruise stop, but it was full of attractions even though it is free of charge, such as approximately 1,300 roses, the Verny Memorial Museum, and the Thibodier Residence.

The park is located by the sea, so there is a comfortable deck, and a stylish Italian restaurant opened in January this year.

Furthermore, the cannon of the battleship Mutsu was on display, and in addition to the naval monuments, there were many monuments to the warships Nagato and Yamashiro, and other monuments to the warships Yokosuka, and I enjoyed the scenery typical of the military port Yokosuka.

【Trip Vlog】#横須賀散歩 #横須賀軍港めぐり #YokosukaWalk #Yokosuka Military Cruise #ヴェルニー公園 #Verney Park