





その1 2023美術展80ハンドブック
その2 2023美術展・名画カレンダー
その3 長沢芦雪クリアファイル



This is an extra issue of a monthly magazine called Nikkei Trendy.
Last year, I purchased this magazine and made a plan to visit art museums at the beginning of the year.

I like the fact that the magazine goes into depth in its coverage of each museum, which I could not find out from their websites or flyers alone.

Also, instead of an article for each exhibition, the magazine has a feature called "Zoom In! Art Exhibition Keyward" feature, which describes art exhibitions for each keyword, with a side-by-side prick.

I am now interested in visiting exhibitions of contemporary art, which I had not been interested in before, after reading the articles.

Personally, I would like to go to the "Art Exhibitions that will draw a lineup in 2023! I personally like the article by Yuji Yamashita and Goro Yamada, who commented, "This is the art exhibition that will have a lineup in 2023!

There is also a ticket giveaway and three appendices as follows.

The three most popular appendices
No.1 2023 Art Exhibition 80 Handbook
No.2 Calendar of 2023 Art Exhibitions and Masterpieces
3. Nagasawa Risetsu clear file

The handbooks are especially useful when making plans, as the schedules are graphed.

Please note that I have nothing to do with Nikkei BP.