
実物を描けと言うけれど The teacher says to look at the real thing and draw it [Comments]






Not only drawing, but painting is taught to look closely at the real thing and draw it.
I understand that it is reasonable, but if I draw people other than my family, I have to ask for a model, and I have to go to the site for animals and plants.

Well, if it's a plant, it'll work out, but if it's an animal, it won't stop, so I think it's difficult to draw even a familiar pet.

In that case, drawing animals, plants, and human beings by looking at photographs would be too quick.

This time, I tried the texture of the owl's hair, but I still haven't reached a satisfactory texture.

Even so, I will continue to draw, believing that continuation is power.
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「横浜名流華道展」横浜高島屋ギャラリー "Yokohama Famous Flower Arrangement Exhibition" Yokohama Takashimaya Gallery [Impression]






I went to a flower arrangement exhibition for the first time in my life. Unexpectedly, I was surprised by the large number of visitors and by the large number of schools.

I was also surprised that there were more avant-garde works than the flower arrangement works that I had imagined.

If I take a closer look, I will find that many of Sogetsu's works are quite aggressive. In other words, it is an image of an unprecedented work of art.

On the other hand, there are schools like Ikenobo, which has a catch-up atmosphere.
I also learned for the first time that I like Ikenobo works that offer a glimpse of the delicate aesthetics of Ikenobo's simplicity.

Even so, this time was a good opportunity to understand that ikebana is a profound art.
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「ゼンマイ」戌井昭人 "Spiral spring" Akito Inui [Impression]







The feeling after reading at once is strangely refreshing.

Excuse me, I've never read Mr. Inui's book before. He has been a candidate for the Akutagawa Prize many times, and has won the Kawabata Yasunari Literary Award and the Noma Literary New Face Award.

I wrote it strange because it's nostalgic, fantastic, a little erotic, and realistic.

It's a little difficult to understand, but it's a novel that incorporates such various elements. Is it because the author is a playwright?

However, the story is relatively simple, and the president of the shipping company, Nouveau Riche, went to Morocco to meet a woman he had fallen in love with in the past, but he was drawn into the realistic depiction.

I wanted to read his other works a little more.
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宿題を思い出したる朝顔や 62 Morning glory that reminds me of my homework [Haiku, Senryu]








Recently, I haven't seen students or children when I commute in the morning. I thought, but I remembered that they were already in the summer vacation.

At that time, the morning glory blooming on the roadside on the way to work. I felt nostalgic and took a picture with my smartphone.
I miss it because I had the experience of raising it when I was in elementary school.

Certainly, as a summer vacation homework, I remember raising and writing a picture diary.

When I thought about it later, I realized that this morning glory was blooming on the roadside, but it wouldn't grow unless the vines were entwined.
That's why someone raised me on the roadside.

At least, I thought I wasn't in elementary school, so I looked up the purple morning glory flower language.

"Cool, normal"

After looking at the morning glory for the first time in decades, I decided that I should at least work cool today.
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「日本人は『やめる練習』がたりてない」野本響子 "Japanese people don't have enough practice to quit." Kyoko Nomoto [Impression]












I finished reading it all at once. And she wanted her to read earlier. Such a book.

Originally, it was introduced in the book review section of the newspaper, so I was interested in its contents.

The author is an editor who emigrated to Malaysia with children and explains the differences in education and culture in Malaysia in an easy-to-understand manner.

Actually, it seems that the reason why this book was written was as follows.

When the author muttered on Twitter, "Many people don't have enough practice to quit," the book's summary has been retweeted 36,000 times, and many are suffering from being unable to quit. The author noticed that.

So she wrote how to make someone who "quits" and "chooses herself."

When I read this book, I most sympathized with the fact that non-English-speaking Japanese people are gradually becoming less popular with the world, that Japanese common sense is not another common sense, and that Japan is becoming more and more popular. It was to be intolerant.

And what resonated with me most in the author's words was, "I think what you should teach your child is the ability to judge and take responsibility for yourself."

So, as I wrote at the beginning, I wanted to read it earlier.
It's close to what I felt when I was talking to Filipino teachers every morning through English conversation lessons.

It is unlikely that I will move to Malaysia or other countries as a middle-aged person, but at least I decided to do what I wanted to do without doing anything unpleasant.

Also, for young people who will grow up in the future, please read this book and think about what you want to do first.
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「危機の世界史」ダン・カーリン "THE END IS ALWAYS NEAR" Dan Carlin [Impression]
















I think the world is in crisis. Not to mention the various effects of global warming, the COVID19 pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukrai, the battle between democracy and authoritarianism, and the conflict between religions are constant.

Natural disasters such as environmental changes, hunger, refugees, civil war, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that accompany these are also worrisome factors.

Indeed, I feel that the crisis is everywhere.

Meanwhile, I was interested in seeing the title of this book.

The author is a journalist who runs a popular podcast in the United States and seems to be a history geek.

The author is trying to convey that many civilizations have collapsed in history. It may be sudden one day.

In other words, we are trying to say that history is repeating.

Therefore, it is divided into 8 chapters in total to explain the cases.
In ancient times, in the days of the Spartans and Medes, the collapse of the Bronze Age, and even the battle between Rome and the barbarians.

And what is most interesting at this time is Chapter 6, "Introduction to Pandemics."

Of course, this new coronavirus is not mentioned, but it also mentions pandemics such as Best and Spanish Cold AIDS.

Well, I understand that the same thing is repeated.

And Chapter 7 is about the issue of possession of nuclear weapons, and Chapter 8 is about war.

I myself am still worried about the present and the future, so the parts after Chapter 6 were very interesting, and I felt like I was making similar mistakes, which made me very worried.

Suffice it to say, the ongoing problems that cannot be written in history books, that is, the prominent effects of global warming, cannot be absorbed from this book.

However, other issues such as conflicts between nations, wars, nuclear issues, and even pandemics are very informative.
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スターバックス ステンレスタンブラー Starbucks Stainless Tumbler [essay]








I had a 500-yen ticket for Starbucks coffee, which was due at the end of July.
It's a good idea, so I took it out of the box and tried using the tumbler I received before.

What surprised me most was that it was much cheaper than the displayed drink prices.

That's because there are discounts for taking home without drinking in the store and using tumblers.

Well, I thought that I was doing a good business by selling tumblers and mugs, but I realized again that it is an environmentally friendly company.

But did the people who gave me the tumblers think I was a fancy person like drinking Starbucks coffee?

Or did they have a Starbucks tumbler, of course, but I probably don't?

I'd like to ask them, but I think I've become an eco-friendly middle-aged man, so let's stop.
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「瞬く光の庭」 蜷川実花 "A Garden of Flickering Lights" Mika Ninagawa [Impression]





A photo exhibition being held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum. She was a photographer with a rather strong hue, so I was looking forward to collaborating with this old palace building.

In conclusion, it was a great result. Her new work, taken with Mika Ninagawa's during covid-19 pandemic,is a photo of flowers that are conscious of light. And in the background was a wonderful Art Deco Western-style building.

The number of young women attending was higher than I expected, probably because they both wanted to enjoy themselves.

Inspired by the wonderful professional photography, I only take pictures with my smartphone, but I wanted a good camera.
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白球を追う眼鋭き大暑かな 61 It's a hot summer with a sharp eye chasing a white ball [Haiku, Senryu]









After a long time, I watched the prefectural qualifying for the summer Koshien tournament on TV. However, I was wondering if I would really watch it.

In fact, Tokai University Sagami High School, which I always support, often loses when I support it on TV.

When I went to the stadium before, they lost several times. That's why it's bad for the players and parents who have been practicing hard, so I supported them while checking the results as quietly as possible.

However, there seems to be a good pitcher this time, and I thought it wouldn't be dangerous, so I took the plunge and watched it.

Anyway, just being outside, in the hot weather that seems to be chilly, the snappy movements of the children are always impressed and I like it.

And everyone is fascinated by the serious pursuit of the ball. Of course, the students who support them are also difficult, but I am impressed by watching high school baseball because those feelings are conveyed.

Just in case, I went out without watching the game until the end, but I won firmly and advanced the piece to the semi-final.

I can't watch TV because both the semi-finals and the finals are on weekdays. If that happens, I think there is no doubt that it will win.
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「フィールド・オブ・ドリームス」"Field of Dreams" [Impression]

6C9C1FD9-83A2-4059-B2F4-3A16144104B3.jpegAmazon prime videoでとても評価が高かった映画。1989年製作で、主演はケビン・コスナー。





A movie that was highly rated by Amazon prime video. Produced in 1989, starring Kevin Costner.

It depicts various uproars since the protagonist of a baseball enthusiast who ran a corn farm in Iowa was guided by a voice heard from somewhere and built a baseball field.

His father, who also loved baseball, is mentioned in the story, and it seems that there is meaning in that area.

In terms of classification, it is a sports category, but it is a complete fantasy.

There was no twisted development, and Kevin Costner was young and enjoyable with a straightforward feeling.
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「揺れるPTA全国組織 都の団体、異例の退会」"Shaking PTA national organization, metropolitan group, unusual withdrawal"   [opinion]

揺れるPTA全国組織 問われる存在意義: 日本経済新聞 (

The article in the title was published in the Nihon Keizai Shinbun on July 20th. The content is that the Tokyo Metropolitan Elementary School PTA Council (Tokyo Small P) will withdraw from the Japan PTA National Council (Japan P). Of the annual membership fee of about 1.8 million yen collected by Toko P from each household, about 900,000 yen has been paid to Nihon P, but the reason for withdrawal is that he cannot receive the benefits commensurate with the membership fee.

It is said that the spread of the new coronavirus was the impetus for Toko P to make such a decision. In addition, the Kyoto City PTA Liaison Council also considered withdrawing from the membership. After all, the membership continued, but there is also a story that "there is no mechanism to confirm the intentions of the member organizations even on important themes. The role as a national organization may have become a mere ghost."

After reading this article, I have three impressions. One is that there is a strange mechanism to pay half of the annual membership fee. It is said that Japan P collects a total of about 76 million yen in annual membership fees from other member organizations, holds research conferences with thousands of people, and conducts research on education. In addition, as a representative of PTA, he submits a request to the country and prepares a handbook for homes to prevent bullying. This is my imagination, but I think there are a lot of transportation costs and remuneration for meetings of members and directors of each council gathering from all over the country. It is understandable that each household cannot find any meaning in paying national organizations for such costs.

Next, when asked "Is PTA unnecessary?", Answer "I need it." In other words, it is necessary for parents and teachers at each school to have an opportunity to discuss, and in some cases it is important to discuss with local organizations such as residents' associations and neighborhood associations.
In other words, I think it is important to discuss specific issues in the field at each school.

And the last thing I thought was, "Shouldn't we review the way the regional organization of the pyramid structure should be?" It seems that PTA activities were adopted under the guidance of GHQ after the war. At first, I think he was active in pursuing the ideal form. However, at present, it is becoming easier to obtain information on various problems and their solutions due to the spread of the Internet and SNS.
In other words, is it really necessary to have a multi-layered organization such as school → municipality → prefecture → nationwide? Furthermore, it would be better if the PTAs of schools with advanced activities could have a mechanism to share information with each other without being bound by the boundaries of the region. I felt that the shape of the organization might not have been reviewed, including such things.

As the number of double-income couples and single-parent families is increasing, it is necessary to first consider what to do in the field where it is difficult to secure all the hands of PTA officers. I think it is possible that organizations such as municipalities will carry out support activities to solve the problem. However, how far can prefectural and national organizations support such specific schools? If you can't do that, it may be unavoidable to be told that you don't need it.

Actually, I think that this problem is not limited to PTA, but also various other pyramid-structured organizations have similar problems.

Shaking PTA national organization questioned significance of existence: Nihon Keizai Shimbun ( (photo is an image:pixabay)
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「コンテナ物語」マルク・レビンソン "THE BOX" Marc Levinson [Impression]

















"No one at the time thought that a mere box would revolutionize transportation."

It's a container that's taken for granted now, but at the time it seemed to be exactly what it says.

I was curious to read an article in a magazine that the president of a large Japanese company was impressed by reading this book.

The author is the editor of an American economic magazine. He learned that no one had ever written a systematic book about containers, and started writing it himself.

And, as the subtitle title says, "It was the invention of the'box'that changed the world."

Containers are now commonplace in the world as a means of logistics, but the twists and turns, failures and successes, misjudgments, piers, regions, and ups and downs of the country that led to their widespread use were very much drawn to me.

The whole is composed of 15 chapters. The story revolves around Malcom McLean, who is the main idea of ​​carrying luggage in a box.

For example, wharf, truck bastard, Vietnam War, shipper, etc.
There are big barriers and twists and turns for each of these themes.

Nowadays, 40-foot containers are in circulation, but it seems that each company used various standards at the beginning, and the offense and defense around that is very interesting.

Furthermore, since McLean started using containers, the interaction with the labor union of cargo handling workers is also helpful.

In addition, the conflicts and battles of the time are depicted with the theme of containers from various perspectives and angles, such as the conflict between the state and the city and the competition with rival companies.

In that sense, it's an epoch-making book for me. However, since it is not a novel, there is a fairly detailed description, and it is undeniable that it is a little annoying.

Depending on how you think about it, you can actually replace it with various business situations, not just containers. With that in mind, it can be said that it is a very useful economic book.

This book is recommended for business people who work while taking a bird's-eye view of the trends of a large society.

Finally, there was a comment summarizing this book, so I'll end it with a quote.

"The market and the country have made many mistakes, and the private and government sectors have made many mistakes. Each time, containerization has been hampered and unable to contribute to the global economy. But in the end, the benefits of "carrying cargo in a box" and the dramatic cost-cutting effect are powerful, and containerization is sweeping the world. "
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向日葵の中に見えたる孫の笑み 60 The smile of my grandson in the sunflower [Haiku, Senryu]





While I was commuting, I noticed a sunflower blooming on the side of the road and took a picture by my smartphone.

And I thought "Sunflowers are always happy flowers." Is it because of the bright colors? Or is it a simple form? Is it the influence of the summer season?

With that in mind, I looked at the sunflowers and suddenly I looked like my grandson's face. The smile of the infant without any worries yet.

I remembered that it had written in a haiku book I had read before, "It's not good to have grandchildren in haiku material." However, it was also written that "express your frank thoughts as they are", so please forgive me.
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白髪頭がかっこいい? Is my white-haired head cool? [opinion]







When I went to the beauty salon, I had silver wax finished twice in a row.

It is a wax to make hair silver, but it seems to be popular as a fashion these days.

What was used for my finish was that aggressive silver hair was cooler than half-finished white hair.

I don't know the standard at all. However, when a woman younger than me praises her hairstyle, I'm happy without reason.

So, I ordered the silver wax that was applied at the beauty salon online.

It's a light father, but it can't be helped. That's it.
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人物画は難しい! Portraits are difficult! [Sketch]








Basically, I draw every Sunday. It is based on some teaching material.

And this time it's a portrait. Of course, I couldn't get the cooperation of my family, so I can only choose self-portraits or photos of others.

Self-portraits are boring, so I had no choice but to draw a picture of the beautiful woman I searched for on a free image site.

In conclusion, it's quite different. She is a more cute woman. Seen from a distance again, her nose is different in size and her eyes are different. Her lips also look more sexy.

That is, most are different. I learned that in the case of portraits, a slight difference looks completely different.

I don't want to draw a drawing that looks like a photo, but I want to convey a little more cuteness.

However, I don't know what to do yet, but I can see various things on YouTube, so I decided to subscribe to the channel and study.
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「土用の丑の日は鰻」を1週間前倒し "Eel on the day of the Ox" is one week ahead of schedule [Comments]








In Japan, the day of the Ox, which changes from summer to autumn, has long been regarded as an important day. And that day of this year is the 23rd of next week.

But why is it a week ahead of schedule?
It was just because I thought the eel shop would be crowded.
Another reason is that I have a family because we visit the grave.
Perhaps, rather, this reason may be stronger.

For the time being, after visiting the two graves safely in the rain, I went to the eel shop and the seats were already full.
After all, everyone thinks the same.

Even so, I asked him to go to the banquet room instead of the table seat, and after waiting for about 30 minutes, the delicious unajū came in front of me.

It's completely different from the 900 yen Chinese unajū of the catered lunch shop I ordered at work the other day.

It was delicious, I was full, and I think I had the energy to survive the hot summer.

If it's not expensive, you'll want to eat it often, but you'll probably only come to eat once or twice a year.

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夏の朝アガパンサスを接写かな59 Close-up shot of agapanthus on summer morning [Haiku, Senryu]









There is a park on the dog walking course, which is a daily routine. A lilac orchid-like flower was blooming there.

Actually, I've been worried about it for a while, but I never thought about it, or I came up with the idea and took a picture with an app that looks up the name of the flower.

And I learned that it was "Agapanthus", also known as "Purple Kunshi Ran". Both were the names of the flowers I heard for the first time in my life.

In haiku, the name of the flower is a season word, but since this flower does not seem to be a season word, the phrase is "summer morning."

By the way, I'm very impressed with this app. Also, I am entertained.

Actually, this app was developed by a research institute called Stairabo (Artificial Intelligence and Software Technology Research Center) of Chiba Institute of Technology and can be used for free.

When I ask, "What is this flower?", I often use it because I can easily find it on the roadside or in the garden of a private house.

I would like to continue to enjoy the changing seasons while using it for making haiku.

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「東京MUSEUM GUIDE」朝日新聞出版 "Tokyo MUSEUM GUIDE" Asahi Shimbun Publishing [Impression]






出来れば、東京の美術館や博物館の共通入場券&割引券である「東京・ミュージアム ぐるっとパス」を使う際に、この本を利用すると効率的、効果的に回れると思う。

There are many museums in Tokyo, but it is a convenient book that is organized by theme and area.

The themes are various perspectives such as "The space is wonderful!", "On the way home from work", and "I like cafes."

Personally, I'm grateful for the theme settings of "The space is wonderful!" And "Now, contemporary art!"

That's because, for me, who loves Western paintings, especially Impressionist paintings, even museums that I would never go to may be a building that I would like to visit, or fresh contemporary art.

Also, the latter half is organized by area such as Roppongi, Ueno, Aoyama, and there is also a map, so you can go to other museums and galleries while you go to the museum you want to go to. ..

If possible, I think that this book can be used efficiently and effectively when using the "Tokyo Museum Grutto Pass," which is a common admission ticket and discount ticket for museums in Tokyo.
I definitely want to try it next time.

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被害まで望むわけなし戻り梅雨 58 There is no reason to hope for damage Return rainy season [Haiku, Senryu]

C2E5479D-76B4-42CD-BC79-24B1CEC3BC5B.jpeg相当に早く梅雨が明けて 、6月中に猛暑日が続いたが、最近は雨が降ることが多くて、涼しいので少し助かっている。




The rainy season ended quite early, and the hot days continued in June, but recently it has been raining a lot and it is cool, so it is a little helpful.

However, in other areas such as Saitama Prefecture, it was a record heavy rainfall, and it seems that there is a lot of damage.

The rainy season was short, and I was worried about water shortages and crops, so I certainly wanted the rainy season to return this year, but is it raining enough to cause damage?

Please forgive me whether it is hot or terrible, zero or 100. (photo is an image:pixabay)

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「366日風景画をめぐる旅」海野 弘 "366 days trip around landscape painting" Hiroshi Unno [Impression]





The book I just bought when I went to the SOMPO Museum of Art.
It is wonderful that we consider leap years as well as 366 days instead of 365 days.

And immediately, I enjoy landscape painting one page each morning. It became a new daily routine.

Did a painter you already know draw such a work? Some painters don't know it at all, so every morning is very fresh.

Actually, there seems to be another "366 days" series book, and I'm very interested in it.
However, if I buy it now, my daily routine will increase by one, so I will put up with it for another year.
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通勤時日傘傾けすれ違い 57 Passing the parasol when commuting [Impression]





Parasols are no longer unique to adult women. In fact, I carry myself as a middle-aged man, and many high school girls also have.

Even if it is not raining, when commuting in fine weather, when passing by a narrow sidewalk, I can walk while tilting the parasol.

For the umbrella industry, it would be a new business opportunity, but for users, it's not a pleasure because they just have it.

Choosing a path with only shade is unrealistic and troublesome.(photo is an image:pixabay)

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一票も一粒も大事 One vote and one grain are important [Impression]







I tried to draw seasonal corn, but it was so detailed that I had a lot of trouble. Even so, I tried to draw each grain as faithfully as possible.

There are still some rough parts, but I feel that it is very important for me as a beginner to draw properly without cutting corners.

And today is the polling day for the Upper House election. Due to the surprising incident of former Prime Minister Abe on Friday, people who don't usually go to vote may have gone to the polling place.

I haven't got the full picture of the case yet, so I won't comment on it.

However, considering that former Prime Minister Abe gave a cheering speech at Yamato-Saidaiji Station, which is not known nationwide, instead of in front of Nara Station, the weight of one vote and the winning of one companion he thinks it was because he knew it was important.

It was today that I felt that the basic unit "1" was very important for everything.
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「英語のハノン 初級編」横山雅彦 中村佐知子 "Hanon of English Beginners" Masahiko Yokoyama Sachiko Nakamura [Impression]







I looked at the advertisement section of the newspaper, it seemed to have a very good reputation, so I thought I was deceived and challenged.

It is a mechanism to develop grammar, listening ability, and speaking ability by explaining the contents of basic grammar and rephrasing short sentences.

Just like Hanon on the piano, practice without thinking about the score and performance. As with the piano, it is important to get used to English conversation without thinking about grammar and conversation, which I understand very well.

I downloaded the audio and studied, but there were slow and fast files for the same short sentence, and I often couldn't keep up with fast, that is, the normal speaking speed of native speakers.

Even so, I feel that my ears are getting used to it because I can follow it even with fast-paced phrases.

I've already bought an intermediate book, so I'm going to move on, but at the same time, I'm thinking of reviewing the beginner's book from the beginning.
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「自然と人のダイアローグ」国立西洋美術館 "Dialogue of Nature and People" National Museum of Western Art [Impression]







I went to an exhibition commemorating the reopening of the National Museum of Western Art.
The Volkwang Museum and the National Museum of Western Art in Essen, Germany, were founded based on the personal collections of Karl Ernst Osthaus and Kojiro Matsukata, the first president of Kawasaki Shipbuilding.

The two museums work together to create an exhibition on the theme of dialogue between nature and people.

It's called reopening, but where is it? I thought, but in fact, a special exhibition like this one was underground, and it seems that the main work was to waterproof the roof.

It becomes the floor of the front yard where Rodin's "The Thinker" is. This vestibule seems to have been restored to its original form.

Anyway, it turns out that the collection of the Volkwang Museum is great, but the collection of the National Museum of Western Art is also great.

I also saw a permanent exhibition showing the works in the collection, but I felt that there were many works by Impressionist painters that I liked, and that Japan was not abandoned.
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生温い風に感謝の小暑かな 56 It's a Xiaoshu thanks to the warm breeze [Haiku, Senryu]





Today is Tanabata, and it's a Xiaoshu in the 24th solar term. The hot days continued after the unexpectedly early rainy season, but recently, due to the influence of typhoons, rainy and cloudy days have continued.

I was worried that it would be a hot day every day for a while, so I'm grateful that it blows even with a warm breeze rather than a warm one.

It is troublesome to cause damage due to typhoons, but if it does not rain a little, there will be water shortages and effects on crops.

Personally, I'd like to spend a cloudy and windy summer, but what's going on?
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鰻重や指のタレから味わいて 55 Taste from finger sauce and Eel lunch [Haiku, Senryu]







When I tried to order a catered lunch at work, there was a Eel lunch on the menu.

I'm planning to do a hard kickboxing exercise at the gym for the first time in a while today, so I decided to order it with the excuse that I should burn a lot of calories.

I don't usually get hungry very much, but it seems that I'm asking for Eel lunch in the corner of my head, and after 11 o'clock I became hungry.

It looks like it costs about 2,500 yen, but it's from a catered lunch shop, so it's reasonably priced.

Therefore, the sauce and Japanese pepper were in a pouch, and when I opened it, I got stuck on my finger. First of all, while tasting from that finger, I immediately ate everything.

I rubbed my stomach and realized that I had to work hard for today's kickboxing.
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「マーベラス ミセス メイゼル」"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" [Impression]

683B6D8E-84A8-4F84-AC13-CCB32E2B6D75.jpegAmazon prime videoの米国コメディドラマ。時代設定が1960年頃であり、歴史ドラマでもある。








This is the Amazon prime video's US comedy drama. The era is set around 1960, and it is also a historical drama.

And since the story is centered around the Jewish community, you can also learn about Jewish culture.

The main character is a housewife who has two small children who grew up in a wealthy family. It depicts her playing an active role as a comedian.

Of course, not only Jews but also the entertainment world, Italian and Chinese mafia are drawn, and even though it is an old age, it is quite interesting.

Furthermore, compared to Japan in the 1960s, I am surprised at the difference in cultural level.

However, I couldn't laugh at the talk of the comedian hero. After all, I realized that the points of laughter are different unless you are from that country.

What surprised me a little was that there were a lot of banned words such as F word and S word in the dialogue. It can be done only by online distribution, not by terrestrial broadcasting.

I don't know the ending because the last episode 5 hasn't been broadcast yet. I hope it will be delivered soon.

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「青春デンデケデケデケ 私家版」芦原すなお "Youth Dendeke Dekedeke Private Edition" Sunao Ashihara [Impression]










A book I found while searching for a "laughing novel" that I am focusing on.

This book is the author's second work, and the story of a high school band in a rural town in Kagawa prefecture, where he was born.

Many Sanuki dialects appeared in the words, and I felt like an endless novel.

In fact, the author has won the Bungei Prize and the Naoki Prize for this "The Rocking Horsemen". However, the award-winning work was cured within 400 manuscript sheets in order to match this private edition with the application procedure.

Therefore, this private version is the original manuscript of the award-winning work. It covers about 780 sheets of manuscript paper.

The story goes on until the protagonist, who became a high school student, was fascinated by rock, bought a guitar, formed a band, played at a school festival in the third grade, and graduated.

It's funny that it expresses the purity of old high school students in the countryside.
Also, the introduction of the song is detailed, and although it is certainly a bit redundant, I can tell that I enjoyed writing it to the fullest.

At the end, a moving scene is also prepared, which not only laughs but also invites tears.

It seems that a sequel has also been published, so if you have a chance, I'd love to read it.

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人気でも生育変わらぬ千枚田 54 Senmaida which is popular but does not change [Impression]






Oyama Senmaida in the middle of Chiba prefecture. Recently, it has become a very popular tourist spot, so I went there.

I had seen Senmaida in Wajima, Noto Peninsula, so I wasn't particularly surprising, but it's certainly a wonderful rice terrace.

Perhaps people who wanted to keep this beautiful rice terraces where they were in trouble because there was no cultivator started to establish an NPO corporation and start activities to preserve it.

It is by no means a rice field with good conditions for the growth of rice. In other words, many people cannot protect this rice field just by taking pictures.

I would like to pay attention to how far the rice terraces can be maintained in the future with the desire of NPO corporations to "protect the landscape".
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南房総岩井湯元温泉 網元の宿ろくや   Minamiboso Iwai Yumoto Onsen Amimoto no Yado Rokuya [Impression]









I stayed there a long time ago, and the food was good at that time, so I used it again.

Originally it was a training camp with a gymnasium, which was an inn for students, but it was remodeled and run by a fisherman, so dishes such as sashimi were popular.

What surprised me when I stayed this time was that not only the food but also the room and bath were much better.

All the baths were private rooms, and the rooms were stylishly remodeled. The location of the entrance has also changed.

Of course, the staff were rejuvenated and the education was perfect.

Perhaps it is growing steadily with good management. According to the staff, the remodeling seems to have improved somewhere every two years.

In order to run an inn in a place where there are no tourist spots in the vicinity, it is necessary to have some kind of mechanism to attract people.

It was good that it was available at a very reasonable price with the prefectural discount. Also, it is an inn where you want to create opportunities and use it.
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